Monday, October 8, 2012

The cat's meow

We went to visit Great Grandpa Frank yesterday. The kids all enjoyed meeting his dog Tiny. Frank told Grace that her Great Grandma Beth would've thought she was the cat's meow. Luke said that she would've thought Grace was the bee's knees.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Update to iPad injury

I've been waiting for something blog-worthy and here it is.  Luke's had a rough week. A week of tiredness and no appetite ended with an eruption of cankers all over his tongue and mouth. There did seem to be some sort of improvement today. I tucked him into bed with the iPad to watch a bit of a movie and not long after heard great wailing from upstairs. Somehow the iPad fell onto his face and chipped one of his adult teeth. (I sort of expected that to be the result of a bike accident or something.) What's most distressing for Luke is how it looks. He told me he definitely can't go to school now. I explained that the dentist can cap the tooth, but he was still concerned the colour wouldn't match. I hope the next two days until he turns 9 are uneventful.

iPad injury

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Thursday, February 23, 2012

100 Days

Today was my hundredth day cycling to work this school year. We'll see if tomorrow will mean 101 since Environment Canada is predicting a significant dump of snow.