Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A baby story!

6:20 Off to the hospital. Beth wanted to walk so we set off in the gently falling snow. We started the name discussion as we avoided the patches of ice now disguised under the snow.

7:00 Beth's now Hooked up to the fetal monitor. The baby's heartrate is around 140 bpm. Beth says it's a girl if it's that low. The boys were always in the 160 range.

7:20 The IV is in. Now the heartrate is 160 bpm. Beth's new prediction is that it's a boy.

8:15 Still waiting. It's really quiet in the triage.

8:25 I'm waiting in the recovery room with booties, hat, mask and gown. Beth's next door getting prepared. I'm nervous, so I can't imagine how she's feeling. I can hear the conversatins next door.

8:40 I'm still waiting. I can hear the nurses counting all the surgical supplies. Beth's heart rate is being monitored...beep, beep, beep.

8:42 Anaesthesia is here and they're getting ready to put in the spinal.

8:54 I think the spinal is in. I can hear water running so I think Dr. Ornstein is scrubbing up.

9:17 Baby's out and it's a girl!

10:00 Baby and mom are in recovery - we're waiting on a scale for weight.

10:15 6lb 4oz

11:15 We've settled on a name...Grace Elizabeth Donovan

12:00 We're in our room and the boys have come in for their first visit with their new sister.

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