Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Here is the Merry Christmas post I started on Christmas! Merry Belated Christmas - as Luke would say...

The boys were super excited and were spoiled as usual. They got a Wii which was really the only item on their minds the last few months. It seems to be less addictive than the D.S. (so far) and we have played lots of family games: bowling, dancing, cycling, archery, ping pong and Toy Story. In fact, with the boys having to "earn" their Wii time by practicing, doing homework and exercising etc. - they actually seem to do more of that with less of a fuss, which is nice for us.

Grace, of course, knew something was different and exciting and had a great time playing with the wrapping paper and with her new toys. She also enjoyed a full turkey dinner with a Christmas cracker crown and all.

Here are some photos. The first one is of Liam doing his Dance Revolution moves with Dad as Luke (chilling out) and Grace watch. It is just like Guitar Hero but with dance moves. Very fun and a pretty good workout for a -20 day when you don't want to go outside for a walk. The bottom photo is of the kids with the beautiful stockings Aunt Kathy made. Luke is putting on a camera face...pretending he is not excited for Santa to come.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Photos with Santa

I have lots of half written posts that I've started and have yet to finish... I am in major sleep deprivation mode - kind of like how a brand new Mom should be. We were lucky that Grace started out as a fairly good sleeper but she has continuously become worse except for the odd night once or twice a month when she sleeps through...We've been trying to do the cry it out method but it really is terrible. Between Luke's school and hockey issues and less than 25 hours of sleep in the last 5 days (yes, I counted!) I feel headed towards a little - or big - meltdown. At least in a week Dan will be home for the holidays. He does have a paper to write though...

Grace took to Santa the way I expected (though she did love the Merry-go-round). I remember Liam having the same reaction...

Friday, December 11, 2009

On the move!

Off she goes! Looking so grown up too! 10 months has flown by. Grace in her princess dress and "babylegs" that I made...they sure do help protect crawling knees!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Luke's Baking

Luke has always enjoyed baking with us. I should find that adorable picture of him cooking in the buff with the Naked Chef cookbook...

He insisted on finding a cookbook specifically for children when we were at the library the other day. Then when Liam was at choir he started getting everything ready to make mini chocolate souffles. They did turn out well and were a delicious Monday night treat.