What did Dan want for his 38th birthday? To go to Disney World for free dining! Disney has offered free dining the last week of August for the past few years and Dan has been wanting to do this for a long time. Usually I am getting my room ready for school so it isn't really possible. However, since I am on mat-leave it was hard to say no.
Grace hasn't been enjoying her car seat these days so what better to do than take a road trip? After a few trips of crying all the way to and from the cottage and a whiney trip to Montreal it was time for the car seat boot camp!! The drive wasn't too bad except the day Luke was vomitting every hour and the day Grace cried all day! Grace only took two 1.5 hour naps out of 40 hours of driving though she did take some catnaps here and there. I mostly sat in the back with her while Luke was in the front (with the airbag off) and Liam in the third row. Dan mapped out all the Starbucks and Paneras along the way so I had my coffee and nice cool places to nurse Grace. We quickly noticed that Grace is a lot more efficient now when she nurses. In March, our stops were much longer as she would sometimes eat for 40 minutes. Now she is done by the time Dan has the lattes! On the last day of driving, Liam did not leave his seat for 10 hours! Boy did he have to pee when we got home...
Coles Notes version of the trip: the weather was really, really hot; Grace got to meet some princesses - even got kissed by one; Luke lost a tooth and fell in love with water slides; we found a new ride that is even better than Soarin' - Toy Story Mania in Hollywood Studios; the boys tried to eat Mickey ice creams but they melted in less than five minutes, Grace got two teeth; and the boys were super surprised. They thought we were going to Naples to check out Nana and Papa's condo for the upcoming year.
Oh, and did I mention that it was HOT?!